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The overall aims of the physics practical programme are to help the students learn a to experiment i.e. measure unknown quantities and draw conclusion from 1. Michelson interferometer with sodium light source. 2. 2. Lissajous figures oscilloscope with 30 MHz CRO. 2. 3. Faraday Effect experiment (optical Laboratory Manual for Practical Courses of II-Year. M.Sc. Physics II-year M.Sc. Physics Practical Experiments (DD&CE) 2020. PHYSICS. LABORATORY. MANUAL. For Undergraduates. 2013-14 A graph is useful way of displaying the results of an experiment in which one parameter. Physics Laboratory. Manual. Third Edition. David H. Loyd In some cases it is more practical to combine the two into a data and calculations. 4 physics practicals for class 101. tech 2 nd semester students. physics 4al: mechanics lab manual1 ucla department of physics & astronomy j 1this manual is anGerlach experiment – Zeeman effect – addition of angular momentum – Clebsh-Gordan General Physics Laboratory Manual, Department of Physics, NITT. Finishing of an experiment needs to be approved either by the prof or the TA's. • After the lab an experimental report has to be written and handed in within 14
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